Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to providing free and open access to one of the largest archives of abandonware software and information on the web.
WinWorld is an online museum dedicated to providing free and open access to one of the largest archives of abandonware software and information on the web.
This is really a god-sent for a lot of people who still love or need VB6. Thanks!
VB6 programming is supported on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019
I actually stopped at VB5 before switching to C and its various dialects, but sometimes for nostalgia I brush it off and use it to write some funny win app - yeah, it's almost intolerably verbose but it still smells of my green years :-)
The problem with VB5 is that every so often some pieces seem to be missing (generally .chm or .ocx) and not always a frantic search on the web is enough to get them.
Should this also apply to VB6, it might be a good idea to add here a small library of the "most wanted" ones. I'd be glad to contribute a few myself.
Does this site have a Product ID for ID Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Professional?
For many old 90's MS developer products like Visual C++ and VB, fill serial with full '1' should work.
Does in work on windows nt 3.51
Probably not, considering Microsoft dropped support for Windows 3.1 for Visual Basic 6.0. But, I could be totally wrong, since NT and 95/98 are two different things.
My recollection is that Visual Basic 5 was the last to work with NT 3.51.
The x86 English 'Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise (ISO)' download is actually one of the CD's you get with Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise... and not actually from a release of a standalone Visual Basic 6.0. However if you want one, that appears to be one on (and it has both of the 2 discs too)...
The Alpha English 'Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise [DEC Alpha] (ISO)' download however appears to be the proper standalone Visual Basic 6.0 Enterprise pair of 2 CD's (and not from Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise).
Also I have 6 CD's here of VS 6.0 Enterprise with the MSDN discs too if anyone is interested?
I would like the VS 6.0 6 CD ISOs. Thank you very much!