Seen on eBay: Interesting software
Noticed this item: ... 2ed62cfc6d
Windows 1.04 on 720k disks? :shock: Don't think I've seen that before anywhere. It looks like it probably IBM OEMed for their early PS/2s.
And it includes ZSoft PC Paintbrush for Windows, alongside Windows 286.
They want a bunch for it, but it seems a very complete bundle. ... 2ed62cfc6d
Windows 1.04 on 720k disks? :shock: Don't think I've seen that before anywhere. It looks like it probably IBM OEMed for their early PS/2s.
And it includes ZSoft PC Paintbrush for Windows, alongside Windows 286.
They want a bunch for it, but it seems a very complete bundle.
Comments ... 1488044554?
Also, IBM Pascal Compiler 1.00: ... _453wt_864
Just throwing this out here, WinWorld could conceivably start a community donations pool for the purchase of cool software from eBay to add to the library.
In practice this would probably never work though, because people would feel cheated if the software they picked wasn't able to be purchased, it would be hard to prove the money was being handled as promised, etc.
Anyone have any thoughts toward this idea?
You pretty much hit the nail on the head in practice. This would involve reversing our no donations policy first and foremost, second of all there's server costs I would apply that $$$ to first, and then it's a matter of what to buy with leftovers and if that turns into a giant fight I'll take the cash and buy beer with it instead.
But if I see something available I think others might like, I'll post it here.
Considering the sheer amount of software out there, there is plenty to go around individually - I buy and post my favorite accounting software, you buy and post your favorite game, at the end of the day it is win-win for everybody
Duff Approved ... 3a9ae54b53
Both are already posted on Winworld, but I don't think I have ever seen a 1.00 demo disk on eBay before. ... 2c90b8a69b ... 3a9b2155d7 ... 4adfa3c3c3
the "Other" section on Vintage software is good
That IBM LAN software would be good to have archived. Haven't looked to see if its out there yet. Have been looking at some of the other Buttonware products the last couple of days, those are certainly interesting. And as I recall some of the early Lotus 1-2-3 2.x versions used a form of copy protection that disappeared after the disks were installed and serialized, so the copies floating around have the users names stuck in them. Sealed boxes would be great to get pristine Kryoflux/SCP/Transcopy dumps.
Microsoft Show Partner (an animation program) and Microsoft Paintbrush for DOS bundled with a Microsoft Bus mouse. These appears to be 1986 versions. Most of the copies of Microsoft Paintbrush for DOS floating around are the 1987 "2.0" version. ... t_62wt_864
Unfortunately they want $200 for the whole thing...
But that is nothing compared to this nutjob: ... _998wt_835
IBM Personal Decision series Plans+ Edition for the low, low price of $2,495.00!!!
As far as I know this "Personal Decision series" is basically mindless corporate fluff.
On the more reasonable side: Here is Norton Utilities 4.5 for DOS for 14.95: ... _391wt_627
That was a popular piece of software back in the day. Not uncommon, but something no vintage computer collector should be without.
A Perfect Writer/Perfect Calc/Perfect Filer disk set for Kaypro 4 CP/M: ... _429wt_864
The DOS versions are already on Winworld. If I had a Kaypro 4 I would grab that.
A Set of IBM PC manuals, including a DOS 1.1 and IBM Pascal manual. ... t_42wt_864
But the auction says "Some have diskettes (good luck finding a computer to read them)". And doesn't bother saying which disks it has. If the DOS 1.1 or Pascal disk is present, that could go for quite a bit, but they can't be bothered. And I've got plenty of computers that can read those
And finally, IBM Storyboard, a 1980s business animation package: ... t_42wt_864
This is probably the original 1.0 (non-plus).I suspect this version is copy protected. I found some later versions floating around, that I will post some more about later. ... yk&_sop=10
(Genuine Original IBM Dos 1.0 Version 1.00 Complete in Original Factory Package!) <-- $999.95 ... 58b92f4b11
(Genuine Microsoft Windows 1.0 Version 1.00 Still Sealed in Retail Factory Box!!!) <-- $999.95 ... 3398fa4edf
They must be very rare and expensive item, but they're already dumped as Floppy Image correctly.
I think they're very rare than IBM DOS 1.00 / MS Windows 1.01
(They were available from MS order only.)
MS-DOS 5.0a (5.25" 360KB)
MS-Windows 3.0a (5.25" 360KB) ... 3/1/08.TXT
Windows 1.00 - Part # 050-050-004
Windows 1.01 - Part # 050-050-133\
Windows 1.03 - Part # 050-050-227
Windows 1.04 - Part # 050-050V104
But I wonder where he got that information? I'd be very surprised if the box doesn't actually contain 1.01, regardless of the part number.
But an unopened DOS 1.00? :shock: That is the sort of thing very few people would have left unopened. An there weren't that many of them.
Was someone selling these?
>Windows 1.00 - Part # 050-050-004
I think seller seems not to know about information detailly.
That seems to be wrong.
Windows 1.01 must be correct.
>MS-DOS 5.0a (5.25" 360KB)
>MS-Windows 3.0a (5.25" 360KB)
They must be very rare. I couldn't find this over 4 years on eBay. ... 4611c626c6
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
That's a lot of disk flipping right there!
But more to the point, I don't think I have seen this 1.2mb version archived anywhere.
I've dealt with him before, bought several titles from him maybe about 3 months ago. Ended up spending over US$800 I think. He seems quite genuine, packed the software extremely well, and the boxes were pristine. I recently tried to bid from him a new copy of NT 3.1 Workstation, but unfortunately was outbid by a few dollars. It ended up selling for around US$300.
I'd had loved to buy other stuff on eBay but unfortunately most of the stuff that's of interest is over in the US. Many of the sellers will only send within the US, or if they do accept overseas postage, it can get expensive very quickly especially with the likes of buying BackOffice editions, NT 3.1 Advanced Server, and Office 4.3 Professional which are quite bulky.
That's a rare sight indeed. Someone actually sent the coupon back to Microsoft! Everyone, myself included who had Office 4.x had a 3.5" floppy drive so it wasn't never required.
Speaking of Office, I just bought from eBay a brand new set of Office 4.2 disks in 3.5" floppy format from a local seller. I already had the retail box and manuals, but was missing the disks for this version. I thought I'd check the 'condition' of what's archived on WinWorld. The WinWorld copy brings up a copyright warning dialog box in the early stages of installation, but without showing the registered user which would mean someone has tampered with the SETUP.INI file. If interested once I pick them up at the post office, I can upload a pristine copy to replace it.
(No error and modified to dump.)
I'll contribute Windows 1.03 later.
But suddenly the most rare version of Windows 1.0x seems to be 1.02 on eBay.
Wow, the bidding price is ~~~~~
I don't know why seller solds that package as version 1.00.
I've contact to the seller that is Not version 1.00 but 1.01.
Due to title version 1.00 instead of 1.01, the price must be now over $700.
Windows 1.01 was sold at $224.50 In Box! Disks sealed.
A mystery shrink wrapped MS-DOS/GWBasic set with no version number or OEM name: ... #ht_76wt_0
I'm guessing it is MS-DOS 3.10 or perhaps 3.0. They used that style of package around that time, but I don't think I have ever seen a bright red box like that. Anything pre-3.2 was always OEM, but they were probably already moving in the direction of generic "vanilla" versions. So it is probably a generic uncustomized version for some smaller OEM.
This seller "dragrac3" seems to have some interesting software products:
Alpha 4 database software. I think this could use a proper archiving with disk dumps and manuals. ... 3f425f90b7
Publish-it 3.0: I'm guessing this is also a GEM version. WinWorld has 1.2, but no later versions. ... 3025wt_836
Well, it seems all thing AllType have been popping up lately: ... 2692wt_836
Can't tell what version it is from the box though.
CA DBFast: That's an early dBase compatible database development system for Windows. ... 2002wt_836
"The Practice Master Turbo Law Series":
That is a big box ... 3773wt_836
Slightly squished but unopened Lotus 1-2-3 V2.something. Can't tell exactly what version. ... _222wt_864
The early 2.x had copy protection, so it would be good to archive with a transcopy/kryoflux/SCP.
I think that may be due to version 1.00 on title.
(Real version is 1.01)
If not, it must be very incredible.
You may notice the date code "0785" next to the part number. Yes that is before the 1.01 version was released, but you know, they would have printed those boxes well in advance. And by all accounts, those boxes and manuals probably sat around waiting on the software to get finished up.
I'm also sure that is 1.01, not 1.00... but if the buyer wants to prove me wrong by opening it..
Just scraping crap off the Internet I get this info:
Windows 1.0? - 0785 Part # 050-050-004
Windows 1.01 - 0286 Part # 050-050-133 (Offical MS SKU?) (source: ) (Questionable, sounds like the part number for 1.02) (file dates 11/15/85) "I've been told that version 1.00 is labeled 0785 050-050-004 and 1.01 is labeled: 0286 Part No. 050-050-133"
Windows 1.02 - ???? Part # ?? (Files dated 1/15/86 except setup which is 4/8/86 )
Windows 1.03 - 0786 Part # 050-050-227 (source: pics on ebay) (Files dated 8/14/86 with some 11/3/87?)
Windows 1.04 - ???? Part # 050-050V104? (This is the version printed on the floppy "050050.104", not the part number!!!)
Windows 1.04 - 0387 Part # 050-050-421 (White box) (Files dated 4/8/87) (source, BA)
But I suspect the truth looks more like this:
Windows 1.01 - 0785 Part # 050-050-004 Rel:11/15/85 (Box made for 1.00)
Windows 1.02 - 0286 Part # 050-050-133 Rel:4/8/86 (Or 1/15/86?)
Windows 1.03 - 0786 Part # 050-050-227 Rel: 8/14/86
Windows 1.04 - 0387 Part # 050-050-421 Rel:4/8/87 (White box)
Although, there could easily be more minor repackagings between each 1.0x release.
Still, even a copy of Windows 1.0 (not the early Premiere Edition release, but the final shipping version) is still quite a major collector's item for many people.
And obviously it is certainly no surprise that they would have printed the manuals well in advance - they were no doubt preparing to release Windows for the first time, and the user interface was likely similar enough that the manuals didn't have to be changed since then.
This must be OEM version (Not for Retail) ... _398wt_627 ... _222wt_864
Microsoft Mouse with Windows 2.1/286 bundle. Appears to include both a 5.25" and 3.5" version of PC Paintbrush for Windows. With original box. ... _366wt_864
Wow, Sample disk of Word 1.0 was sold with $9.95.
I think the version for Windows 2.1/286 must be 2.11.
The following is version 2.1 ... 3394aaf36c
I'm also searching for 3.5" version of Windows 2.11/286 only because only this version is Not dumped correctly, hehehe. ... ht_700wt_0 ... 566c9b750c