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Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\BA EXE 75137 11-02-89 6:06pBA1 DAT 224150 11-02-89 6:04pINSTALL EXE 5733 10-27-89 1:14p 3 File(s) 56320 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\BA2 DAT 272982 11-02-89 6:04p 1 File(s) 89088 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\BA EXE 75265 1-02-90 5:12pBA1 DAT 224163 1-02-90 5:08pBA2 DAT 272995 1-02-90 5:06p 3 File(s) 156672 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\IBMBIO COM 22100 3-18-87 12:00pIBMDOS COM 30159 3-17-87 12:00pBBALL EXE 178721 9-08-89 11:27pT 2798 8-29-89 1:02aTTL 9837 8-29-89 12:13aP 1166 9-07-89 11:49aS 25164 6-26-89 2:21pA 2959 8-12-89 5:12pC 2445 9-07-89 11:49aM 4095 8-12-89 5:12p 10 File(s) 78848 bytes free
Volume in drive A has no label Directory of A:\TP0 5382 9-04-89 1:40pTP1 5382 9-06-89 9:43pTP2 5382 9-04-89 1:41pTP3 5382 9-04-89 1:41pTP4 5382 9-04-89 1:42pTP5 5382 9-04-89 1:42pTP6 5382 9-04-89 1:43pTP7 5382 9-04-89 1:43pTP8 5382 9-04-89 1:43pTP9 5382 9-06-89 9:44pSUB 4668 8-29-89 3:47pSUBDAT 5178 9-05-89 3:15pO 12057 7-03-89 4:20pOPT 4925 8-29-89 12:11aOPTDAT 6008 8-30-89 2:00pR 1227 6-26-89 11:35aLCT 51456 8-28-89 6:34pSMNDAT 3900 8-08-89 4:24pSEL 7898 9-06-89 9:04aV 22414 7-03-89 4:22pVIC 7269 8-29-89 12:14aTRE 4887 8-29-89 12:15aREP 6091 8-29-89 12:12aREPDAT 15110 8-24-89 11:56aLOGDAT 8308 8-14-89 11:31p 25 File(s) 133120 bytes free
Volume in drive A is FREAKIN Directory of A:\INSTALL BAT 850 10-01-90 8:14pDIST1 EXE 352684 10-04-90 12:48a 2 File(s) 3072 bytes free
Volume in drive A is FREAKIN Directory of A:\INSTALL BAT 850 10-01-90 8:14pDIST2 EXE 299898 9-23-90 9:13pINST EXE 23674 9-26-90 11:45p 3 File(s) 31744 bytes free
Volume in drive A is fuzzball Directory of A:\DIST1 EXE 352684 10-04-90 12:48aDIST2 EXE 299898 9-23-90 9:13pINST EXE 23674 9-26-90 11:45pINSTALL BAT 850 10-01-90 8:14p 4 File(s) 45056 bytes free
Volume in drive A is - DRILLER - Directory of A:\DRILLER EXE 17427 12-06-89 11:28aDRILLC EXE 43864 12-06-89 10:57aDRILLE EXE 51944 12-06-89 10:57aDRILLH EXE 47496 12-06-89 10:58aDRILLT EXE 51096 12-06-89 10:59aSCN1C DAT 9370 6-24-88 12:17pSCN1E DAT 14164 6-24-88 3:16pSCN1H DAT 10526 9-27-88 2:55p 8 File(s) 112640 bytes free
(1989 / Accolade, Inc.)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA / CGA Composite / PCjr / EGA / Tandy / MCGA / VGA)
(Protection Type : Code Wheel)
(Information :
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
(1990 / Accolade, Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA / CGA Composite / PCjr / EGA / Tandy / MCGA / VGA)
(Protection Type : Code Wheel)
(Information :
*Disk 1
(1989 / Electronic Arts, Inc.)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA / PCjr / EGA / Tandy)
(Protection Type : Manual)
(Information :
*Disk 1 -- Game Disk
*Disk 2 -- Team Disk
(1990 / Sir-tech Software, Inc.)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
(Protection Type : Manual)
(Information :
*Disk 1
*Disk 2
(1990 / Sir-tech Software, Inc.)
(Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / VGA)
(Protection Type : Manual)
(Information :
*Disk 1
(1989 / Incentive Software Ltd.)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : DOS)
(Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy)
(Protection Type : None)
(Information :
*Disk 1
(1988 / Data East Corporation)
(Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
(CPU : 8088 or higher)
(OS Type : PC Booter)
(Graphics : Hercules / CGA / EGA / Tandy)
(Protection Type : Disk)
(Information :