IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • edited October 2021
    *Altered Destiny (CGA Composite Mode) (14973)

    (1990 / Accolade, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 8EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / MCGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Code Wheel)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    EXE LZ 183139 9-12-90 6:37p
    LZDCMP EXE 3694 8-15-90 12:13p
    INSTALL EXE 11965 9-11-90 2:59p
    INSTR DAT 1863 9-15-90 1:06p
    SETUP EXE 6812 8-15-90 2:34p
    DATAA DAT 110746 9-12-90 6:10p
    README 1830 9-10-90 11:43a
    7 File(s) 39936 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAB DAT 212749 9-12-90 6:11p
    DATAZ DAT 48576 9-12-90 6:13p
    2 File(s) 100352 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAC DAT 242657 9-12-90 6:11p
    1 File(s) 119808 bytes free

    *Disk 4
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAD DAT 344993 9-12-90 6:12p
    1 File(s) 17408 bytes free

    *Disk 5
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAE DAT 343104 9-12-90 6:12p
    1 File(s) 18432 bytes free

    *Disk 6
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAF DAT 290567 9-12-90 6:13p
    1 File(s) 71680 bytes free

    *Disk 7
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAG DAT 298672 9-12-90 6:13p
    1 File(s) 63488 bytes free

    *Disk 8
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAH DAT 222457 9-12-90 6:13p
    1 File(s) 139264 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Altered Destiny (CGA Composite Mode) (Screenshot) (14974)

  • edited October 2021
    *Altered Destiny (3.5") (MCGA / VGA Mode) (14975)

    (1990 / Accolade, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 4EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA / Tandy / MCGA / VGA)
    (Protection Type : Code Wheel)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    EXE LZ 183139 9-12-90 6:31p
    SETUP EXE 6812 8-15-90 2:34p
    LZDCMP EXE 3694 8-15-90 12:13p
    INSTALL EXE 11965 9-11-90 2:59p
    INSTR DAT 1863 9-15-90 1:06p
    DATAA DAT 110746 9-12-90 6:10p
    DATAB DAT 212749 9-12-90 6:11p
    README 1830 9-10-90 11:43a
    8 File(s) 194560 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAC DAT 242657 9-12-90 6:11p
    DATAD DAT 344993 9-12-90 6:12p
    2 File(s) 142336 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAE DAT 343104 9-12-90 6:12p
    DATAF DAT 290567 9-12-90 6:13p
    DATAZ DAT 48576 9-12-90 6:13p
    3 File(s) 46080 bytes free

    *Disk 4
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DATAG DAT 298672 9-12-90 6:13p
    DATAH DAT 222457 9-12-90 6:13p
    2 File(s) 207872 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Altered Destiny (3.5") (MCGA / VGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14976)

  • edited October 2021
    *Altered Destiny (3.5") (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14977)

  • edited October 2021
    *Altered Destiny (3.5") (Hercules Mode) (Screenshot) (14978)

  • edited October 2021
    *Discover Numbers (CGA Composide Mode) (14979)

    (1988 / Intentional Educations, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    ARIT1 DAT 198 11-28-88 11:49a
    ARIT2 DAT 193 11-28-88 11:49a
    ARIT3 DAT 238 11-28-88 11:49a
    TIME1 DAT 417 11-28-88 11:42a
    TIME2 DAT 602 11-28-88 11:43a
    TIME3 DAT 502 11-28-88 11:45a
    DISCOVER EXE 11596 12-16-88 3:00p
    P1 EXE 18198 12-15-88 2:11p
    P2 EXE 18192 12-15-88 2:12p
    STD FNT 2050 11-12-87 6:24p
    OPSCR1 PIC 4765 12-16-88 3:37p
    ARITG1IN TXT 135 11-22-88 11:36a
    ARITG2IN TXT 135 11-22-88 11:37a
    ARITG3IN TXT 136 11-22-88 11:38a
    ARITMENU TXT 202 12-08-88 3:24p
    IBMMENU TXT 126 12-13-88 5:35p
    ITEMINS1 TXT 232 12-01-88 3:31p
    ITEMINS2 TXT 370 12-01-88 3:32p
    PROBINS1 TXT 258 12-01-88 3:31p
    PROBINS2 TXT 376 12-01-88 3:33p
    SKILMENU TXT 136 11-28-88 1:14p
    TIMEG1IN TXT 130 11-22-88 1:32p
    TIMEG2IN TXT 246 12-02-88 10:50a
    TIMEG3IN TXT 219 12-02-88 10:54a
    TIMEMENU TXT 169 12-08-88 3:26p
    TIMERMNU TXT 123 12-07-88 9:44a
    26 File(s) 283648 bytes free
  • *Discover Numbers (CGA Composide Mode) (Screenshot) (14980)

  • edited October 2021
    *Everest Explorer (14981)

    (1984 / Acorn Software Products, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 160KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : MDA or higher)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    IBMBIO COM 1920
    IBMDOS COM 6400
    EVEREST BAS 25545 3-03-84 1:51p
    AUTOEXEC BAT 19 1-01-80 12:16a
    4 File(s) 125440 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Everest Explorer (Screenshot) (14982)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon version 1.0 (11/16/1987) (CGA Composite Mode) (14983)

    (1987 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    1 9830 11-15-87 12:29a
    2 13690 10-21-87 12:08a
    3 4002 10-14-87 9:28a
    4 16460 10-06-87 9:12p
    5 41803 9-03-87 6:22p
    6 54626 9-03-87 9:47p
    SIERRA DAT 1800 11-16-87 12:29a
    FALCON EXE 124942 11-16-87 12:34a
    8 File(s) 91136 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon version 1.0 (11/16/1987) (CGA Composite Mode) (Screenshot) (14984)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon version 1.0 (11/16/1987) (3.5") (SIMCGA Mode) (14985)

    (1987 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    1 9830 11-15-87 12:29a
    2 13690 10-21-87 12:08a
    3 4002 10-14-87 9:28a
    4 16460 10-06-87 9:12p
    5 41803 9-03-87 6:22p
    6 54626 9-03-87 9:47p
    SIERRA DAT 1800 11-16-87 12:29a
    FALCON EXE 124942 11-16-87 12:34a
    8 File(s) 458752 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon version 1.0 (11/16/1987) (3.5") (SIMCGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14986)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon version 1.0 (11/20/1987) (CGA Mode) (14987)

    (1987 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    1 9830 11-15-87 12:29a
    2 13690 10-21-87 12:08a
    3 4002 10-14-87 9:28a
    4 16460 10-06-87 9:12p
    5 41803 9-03-87 6:22p
    6 54626 9-03-87 9:47p
    SIERRA DAT 1800 11-20-87 12:04a
    FALCON EXE 125342 11-20-87 12:06a
    8 File(s) 91136 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon version 1.0 (11/20/1987) (CGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14988)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (CGA/Tandy version) (07/06/1988) (CGA Composite Mode) (14989)

    (1988 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1 -- CGA
     Volume in drive A is APRIL 12   
    Directory of A:\

    1 9490 3-17-88 9:57a
    2 13690 10-21-87 12:08a
    3 4002 10-14-87 9:28a
    4 16460 10-06-87 9:12p
    5 41803 9-03-87 6:22p
    6 54626 9-03-87 9:47p
    SIERRA DAT 1800 1-01-80 12:22a
    FALCON EXE 122756 4-12-88 4:01p
    8 File(s) 94208 bytes free

    *Disk 2 -- Tandy
     Volume in drive A is FALCON 0706
    Directory of A:\

    T1 10330 6-24-88 11:18a
    T2 9935 6-07-88 3:48p
    T3 13149 6-07-88 3:48p
    T4 23657 6-07-88 5:27p
    T5 18180 6-07-88 3:49p
    T6 27445 6-13-88 10:17a
    TSIERRA DAT 1800 1-01-80 12:02a
    TFALCON EXE 165874 7-06-88 1:53p
    8 File(s) 89088 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (CGA/Tandy version) (07/06/1988) (CGA Composite Mode) (Screenshot) (14990)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (CGA/Tandy version) (07/06/1988) (3.5") (Tandy Mode) (14991)

    (1988 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / Tandy)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    T1 10330 6-24-88 11:18a
    T2 9935 6-07-88 3:48p
    T3 13149 6-07-88 3:48p
    T4 23657 6-07-88 5:27p
    T5 18180 6-07-88 3:49p
    T6 27445 6-13-88 10:17a
    TSIERRA DAT 1800 1-01-80 12:02a
    TFALCON EXE 165874 7-06-88 1:53p
    1 9490 3-17-88 9:57a
    2 13690 10-21-87 12:08a
    3 4002 10-14-87 9:28a
    4 16460 10-06-87 9:12p
    5 41803 9-03-87 6:22p
    6 54626 9-03-87 9:47p
    SIERRA DAT 1800 1-01-80 12:22a
    FALCON EXE 122724 5-23-88 2:12p
    16 File(s) 188416 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (CGA/Tandy version) (07/06/1988) (3.5") (Tandy Mode) (Screenshot) (14992)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (CGA version) (04/12/1988) (3.5") (SIMCGA Mode) (14993)

    (1988 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is APRIL 12   
    Directory of A:\

    1 9490 3-17-88 9:57a
    2 13690 10-21-87 12:08a
    3 4002 10-14-87 9:28a
    4 16460 10-06-87 9:12p
    5 41803 9-03-87 6:22p
    6 54626 9-03-87 9:47p
    SIERRA DAT 1800 1-01-80 12:22a
    FALCON EXE 122756 4-12-88 4:01p
    8 File(s) 461824 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (CGA version) (04/12/1988) (3.5") (SIMCGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14994)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (10/20/1988) (CGA Composite Mode) (14995)

    (1988 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    1 9490 3-17-88 9:57a
    2 13690 10-21-87 12:08a
    3 4002 10-14-87 9:28a
    4 16460 10-06-87 9:12p
    5 41803 9-03-87 6:22p
    6 54626 9-03-87 9:47p
    SIERRA DAT 1800 10-12-88 12:44p
    FALCON EXE 122767 10-20-88 5:22p
    8 File(s) 94208 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (10/20/1988) (CGA Composite Mode) (Screenshot) (14996)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (10/20/1988) (3.5") (CGA Mode) (14997)

    (1988 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    1 9490 3-17-88 9:57a
    2 13690 10-21-87 12:08a
    3 4002 10-14-87 9:28a
    4 16460 10-06-87 9:12p
    5 41803 9-03-87 6:22p
    6 54626 9-03-87 9:47p
    SIERRA DAT 1800 10-12-88 12:44p
    FALCON EXE 122767 10-20-88 5:22p
    8 File(s) 461824 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon (10/20/1988) (3.5") (CGA Mode) (Screenshot) (14998)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon A.T. (EGA Mode) (14999)

    (1988 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is FALCON     
    Directory of A:\

    EFALCON EXE 181419 8-23-88 1:56p
    E0 30695 8-23-88 10:33a
    E1 47076 8-22-88 7:11p
    E15 33261 8-23-88 12:22p
    E2 59153 3-25-88 12:48p
    E3 5992 8-23-88 1:47p
    E4 41618 8-18-88 3:51p
    E5 55403 8-01-88 4:07p
    E6 45755 3-30-88 6:39p
    E7 47283 8-18-88 4:00p
    E8 32820 3-10-88 3:45p
    E16 32865 8-22-88 6:59p
    E9 57708 7-26-88 6:44p
    E10 22559 7-26-88 2:53p
    E11 44845 8-19-88 12:03p
    E12 18187 3-07-88 4:50p
    E13 57655 4-15-88 12:29p
    E14 63100 4-01-88 4:13p
    18 File(s) 331776 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon A.T. (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15000)

  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon A.T. (3.5") (EGA Mode) (15001)

    (1988 / Spectrum Holobyte, Inc.)
    (Media : 3.5" 720KB - 2EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    EFALCON EXE 181419 8-23-88 1:38p
    E0 30695 8-23-88 10:33a
    E1 47076 8-22-88 7:11p
    E15 33261 8-23-88 12:22p
    4 File(s) 436224 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    E2 59153 3-25-88 12:48p
    E3 5992 8-11-88 2:50a
    E4 41618 8-18-88 3:51p
    E5 55403 8-01-88 4:07p
    E6 45755 3-30-88 6:39p
    E7 47283 8-18-88 4:00p
    E16 32865 8-22-88 6:59p
    E8 32820 3-10-88 3:45p
    E9 57708 7-26-88 6:44p
    E10 22559 7-26-88 2:53p
    E11 44845 8-19-88 12:03p
    E12 18187 3-07-88 4:50p
    E13 57655 4-15-88 12:29p
    E14 63100 4-01-88 4:13p
    14 File(s) 137216 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Falcon A.T. (3.5") (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15002)

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