IBM PC/Tandy 1000 Game Installation/File Listing Screenshot



  • edited October 2021
    *Fractions I (v1.1) (CGA Composite Mode) (15081)

    (1988 / Vision Software, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information : )

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is FRACTIONS I
    Directory of A:\

    MX EXE 37297 1-28-87 12:38p
    REDUCE EXE 37041 1-28-87 12:40p
    IMPROP EXE 36705 1-28-87 12:41p
    ND EXE 32641 1-28-87 2:33p
    COMPARE EXE 34497 2-12-88 9:51a
    MENU EXE 12305 2-12-88 9:16a
    BRUN30 EXE 70680 4-07-87 10:48a
    NUMBERS DAT 11367 12-14-87 10:47a
    MENU DAT 582 2-12-88 10:43a
    VISION PIC 16392 1-01-80 1:18a
    VERSION 218 2-12-88 9:49a
    11 File(s) 65536 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Fractions I (v1.1) (CGA Composite Mode) (Screenshot) (15082)

  • edited October 2021
    *Awesome Earl in SkateRock (CGA Composite Mode) (15109)

    (1988 / ShareData, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is 600406A    
    Directory of A:\

    AWESOME EXE 214919 10-25-88 11:51a
    ROAD DAT 9693 10-05-88 4:46p
    CITY DAT 12491 10-05-88 4:46p
    BRIDGE DAT 7213 10-05-88 4:47p
    RAIL DAT 15368 10-05-88 4:47p
    BIGCS DAT 25695 10-05-88 4:48p
    SOUNDS DAT 784 1-03-80 10:23a
    LEVEL001 LVL 1616 10-24-88 9:59p
    LEVEL002 LVL 1090 10-22-88 8:29a
    LEVEL005 LVL 1660 10-25-88 10:57a
    LEVEL004 LVL 1642 10-22-88 8:46a
    LEVEL003 LVL 1726 10-24-88 11:04a
    LEVEL006 LVL 1865 10-25-88 2:32p
    LEVEL007 LVL 1870 10-22-88 9:03a
    LEVEL008 LVL 1215 10-22-88 11:24a
    LEVEL009 LVL 1780 10-22-88 10:09a
    LEVEL010 LVL 1678 10-22-88 11:18a
    LOGO EXE 9926 10-28-88 10:58a
    SKATE BAT 33 10-28-88 9:07a
    LOGO 16006 10-28-88 11:10a
    20 File(s) 23552 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Awesome Earl in SkateRock (CGA Composite Mode) (Screenshot) (15110)

  • edited October 2021
    *Awesome Earl in SkateRock (SIMCGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15111)

  • edited October 2021
    *Awesome Earl in SkateRock (CGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15112)

  • edited October 2021
    *Death Sword (CGA Composite Mode) (15119)

    (1988 / Epyx, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DS EXE 159132 8-24-88 4:25p
    1 File(s) 202752 bytes free
  • *Death Sword (CGA Composite Mode) (Screenshot) (15120)

  • *Death Sword (MAXI OUT) CGA Mode) (15121)

    (1988 / Epyx, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA)
    (Protection Type : Disk)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    DS EXE 157292 3-07-88 1:33a
    1 File(s) 204800 bytes free
  • *Death Sword (MAXI OUT) CGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15122)

  • edited October 2021
    *Microsoft Game Shop (CGA Composite Mode) (15129)

    (1990 / Microsoft)
    (Media : 5.25" 360KB - 4EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : CGA / EGA)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D1
    Directory of A:\

    INSTALL BAT 5423 10-03-90 2:54a
    INST BAT 2222 10-03-90 2:54a
    PACKING LST 6331 10-03-90 2:54a
    FLOPPY DOC 3318 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBI EXE 249749 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBI INI 175 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBIQCK HLP 78183 10-03-90 2:54a
    7 File(s) 12288 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\

    QBIENER HLP 34735 10-03-90 2:54a
    LEARN COM 29264 10-03-90 2:54a
    BI PGM 22688 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBICBT CTX 25209 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBICBT SCN 8620 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBICBT SOB 8941 10-03-90 2:54a
    MSHERC COM 6749 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBI PIF 545 10-03-90 2:54a
    LEARN PIF 545 10-03-90 2:54a
    GAMESHOP PIF 545 10-03-90 2:54a
    WELCOME BAS 545 10-03-90 2:54a
    CHAP05 9-12-90 6:12p
    CHAP06 9-12-90 6:12p
    CHAP07 9-12-90 6:13p
    CHAP08 9-12-90 6:13p
    CHAP09 9-12-90 6:14p
    CHAP10 9-12-90 6:14p
    CHAP11 9-12-90 6:15p
    CHAP12 9-12-90 6:16p
    APPNDX-D 9-12-90 6:16p
    20 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\CHAP05

    . 9-12-90 6:12p
    .. 9-12-90 6:12p
    IF-1 BAS 308 10-03-90 2:54a
    IF-2 BAS 310 10-03-90 2:54a
    IF-3 BAS 365 10-03-90 2:54a
    IF-4 BAS 222 10-03-90 2:54a
    IF-5 BAS 493 10-03-90 2:54a
    ELSEIF BAS 1830 10-03-90 2:54a
    SELECT-1 BAS 1189 10-03-90 2:54a
    SELECT-2 BAS 1850 10-03-90 2:54a
    SELECT-3 BAS 517 10-03-90 2:54a
    TO-1 BAS 448 10-03-90 2:54a
    TO-2 BAS 450 10-03-90 2:54a
    TO-3 BAS 716 10-03-90 2:54a
    14 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\CHAP06

    . 9-12-90 6:12p
    .. 9-12-90 6:12p
    FOR-1 BAS 260 10-03-90 2:54a
    FOR-2 BAS 137 10-03-90 2:54a
    FOR-3 BAS 296 10-03-90 2:54a
    FOR-4 BAS 317 10-03-90 2:54a
    FOR-5 BAS 900 10-03-90 2:54a
    FOR-6 BAS 165 10-03-90 2:54a
    FOR-7 BAS 405 10-03-90 2:54a
    WHILE BAS 322 10-03-90 2:54a
    DO-1 BAS 355 10-03-90 2:54a
    DO-2 BAS 358 10-03-90 2:54a
    DO-3 BAS 353 10-03-90 2:54a
    DO-4 BAS 356 10-03-90 2:54a
    NESTING BAS 303 10-03-90 2:54a
    BUDGET BAS 595 10-03-90 2:54a
    RND-1 BAS 142 10-03-90 2:54a
    RND-2 BAS 150 10-03-90 2:54a
    GUESS BAS 1169 10-03-90 2:54a
    DICE BAS 834 10-03-90 2:54a
    20 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\CHAP07

    . 9-12-90 6:13p
    .. 9-12-90 6:13p
    SONG BAS 2129 10-03-90 2:54a
    SONG2 BAS 1892 10-03-90 2:54a
    GLOBAL BAS 637 10-03-90 2:54a
    LOCAL BAS 568 10-03-90 2:54a
    ARGUMENT BAS 826 10-03-90 2:54a
    AVERAGE BAS 591 10-03-90 2:54a
    BOWLING BAS 13638 10-03-90 2:54a
    9 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\CHAP08

    . 9-12-90 6:13p
    .. 9-12-90 6:13p
    ADDTHEM BAS 511 10-03-90 2:54a
    ADDTHEM2 BAS 656 10-03-90 2:54a
    TVHOURS BAS 1119 10-03-90 2:54a
    GETNAMES BAS 559 10-03-90 2:54a
    BIKEINFO BAS 1083 10-03-90 2:54a
    DATAEND BAS 1462 10-03-90 2:54a
    DYNAMIC BAS 1267 10-03-90 2:54a
    SEARCH BAS 1918 10-03-90 2:54a
    MAXSALES BAS 1993 10-03-90 2:54a
    SALES BAS 2346 10-03-90 2:54a
    BOUNDS BAS 981 10-03-90 2:54a
    13 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\CHAP09

    . 9-12-90 6:14p
    .. 9-12-90 6:14p
    PIG BAS 280 10-03-90 2:54a
    PHONE BAS 692 10-03-90 2:54a
    PHONEFIX BAS 853 10-03-90 2:54a
    NEWS BAS 344 10-03-90 2:54a
    UPPER BAS 314 10-03-90 2:54a
    LOWER BAS 242 10-03-90 2:54a
    MENU BAS 1166 10-03-90 2:54a
    GETRIGHT BAS 700 10-03-90 2:54a
    GETLEFT BAS 692 10-03-90 2:54a
    GETMID BAS 1299 10-03-90 2:54a
    GREETING BAS 626 10-03-90 2:54a
    HEADER BAS 282 10-03-90 2:54a
    HUNT BAS 339 10-03-90 2:54a
    REPEAT BAS 3064 10-03-90 2:54a
    ASCII BAS 228 10-03-90 2:54a
    COMPARE BAS 719 10-03-90 2:54a
    STRSORT BAS 2417 10-03-90 2:54a
    19 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\CHAP10

    . 9-12-90 6:14p
    .. 9-12-90 6:14p
    CARDATA BAS 852 10-03-90 2:54a
    FRUITS BAS 913 10-03-90 2:54a
    COINS BAS 1080 10-03-90 2:54a
    FRIENDS BAS 832 10-03-90 2:54a
    COINS2 BAS 2055 10-03-90 2:54a
    DIARY BAS 1700 10-03-90 2:54a
    VIEW BAS 933 10-03-90 2:54a
    SHOW BAS 457 10-03-90 2:54a
    RUNDOS BAS 452 10-03-90 2:54a
    NEWNAME BAS 738 10-03-90 2:54a
    KILL BAS 1359 10-03-90 2:54a
    MUSICDB BAS 13332 10-03-90 2:54a
    14 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\CHAP11

    . 9-12-90 6:15p
    .. 9-12-90 6:15p
    LOCATE-1 BAS 783 10-03-90 2:54a
    LOCATE-2 BAS 155 10-03-90 2:54a
    LOCATE-3 BAS 402 10-03-90 2:54a
    WELCOME BAS 545 10-03-90 2:54a
    TEST-VID BAS 1113 10-03-90 2:54a
    PSET BAS 742 10-03-90 2:54a
    PRESET BAS 823 10-03-90 2:54a
    STEP-1 BAS 1244 10-03-90 2:54a
    LINE-1 BAS 738 10-03-90 2:54a
    LINE-2 BAS 859 10-03-90 2:54a
    STEP-2 BAS 550 10-03-90 2:54a
    CIRCLE-1 BAS 487 10-03-90 2:54a
    CIRCLE-2 BAS 961 10-03-90 2:54a
    SOUND-1 BAS 474 10-03-90 2:54a
    SOUND-2 BAS 856 10-03-90 2:54a
    17 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\CHAP12

    . 9-12-90 6:16p
    .. 9-12-90 6:16p
    BUGSHAKE BAS 871 10-03-90 2:54a
    FIXSHAKE BAS 881 10-03-90 2:54a
    DESSERT BAS 1697 10-03-90 2:54a
    DESSERT2 BAS 1703 10-03-90 2:54a
    BADBEAR BAS 479 10-03-90 2:54a
    BADNAME BAS 664 10-03-90 2:54a
    8 File(s) 8192 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D2
    Directory of A:\APPNDX-D

    . 9-12-90 6:16p
    .. 9-12-90 6:16p
    CALC BAS 217 10-03-90 2:54a
    CIRCLE BAS 615 10-03-90 2:54a
    QUESTION BAS 488 10-03-90 2:54a
    STATES BAS 976 10-03-90 2:54a
    GASCASH BAS 405 10-03-90 2:54a
    SOUNDER BAS 484 10-03-90 2:54a
    HIROLLER BAS 441 10-03-90 2:54a
    SHAPES BAS 3688 10-03-90 2:54a
    BEAV BAS 230 10-03-90 2:54a
    BANZAI BAS 709 10-03-90 2:54a
    BASEBALL BAS 1995 10-03-90 2:54a
    GETNAMES BAS 247 10-03-90 2:54a
    REVERSE BAS 628 10-03-90 2:54a
    DIVIDE BAS 1612 10-03-90 2:54a
    CITY BAS 937 10-03-90 2:54a
    SORTLIST BAS 4390 10-03-90 2:54a
    VIDEO BAS 13215 10-03-90 2:54a
    MOVENAME BAS 352 10-03-90 2:54a
    CIRCMOVE BAS 440 10-03-90 2:54a
    ANTHEM BAS 336 10-03-90 2:54a
    GOODBEAR BAS 474 10-03-90 2:54a
    GOODNAME BAS 630 10-03-90 2:54a
    24 File(s) 8192 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D3
    Directory of A:\

    MOUSE COM 14674 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBIADVR HLP 313233 10-03-90 2:54a
    ADVR_EX 9-12-90 6:18p
    3 File(s) 5120 bytes free
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D3
    Directory of A:\ADVR_EX

    . 9-12-90 6:18p
    .. 9-12-90 6:18p
    CHR_EX BAS 1229 10-03-90 2:54a
    COM1_EX BAS 632 10-03-90 2:54a
    COM2_EX BAS 429 10-03-90 2:54a
    CSR_EX BAS 868 10-03-90 2:54a
    DECL_EX BAS 881 10-03-90 2:54a
    DEFSG_EX BAS 1257 10-03-90 2:54a
    DRAW_EX BAS 1110 10-03-90 2:54a
    FUNC_EX BAS 703 10-03-90 2:54a
    OUT_EX BAS 1418 10-03-90 2:54a
    SHARE_EX BAS 1074 10-03-90 2:54a
    SHELL_EX BAS 1538 10-03-90 2:54a
    STAT_EX BAS 1303 10-03-90 2:54a
    TYPE_EX BAS 2156 10-03-90 2:54a
    UBO_EX BAS 572 10-03-90 2:54a
    UCASE_EX BAS 1064 10-03-90 2:54a
    WINDO_EX BAS 1069 10-03-90 2:54a
    18 File(s) 5120 bytes free

    *Disk 4
     Volume in drive A is GAMESHOP D4
    Directory of A:\

    GAMESHOP EXE 33680 10-03-90 2:54a
    GAMESHOP INI 98 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBLOCKS BAS 43939 10-03-90 2:54a
    QBRICKS BAS 43693 10-03-90 2:54a
    QSPACE BAS 55224 10-03-90 2:54a
    QSHIPS BAS 46890 10-03-90 2:54a
    QMAZE BAS 60285 10-03-90 2:54a
    QSYNTH BAS 55192 10-03-90 2:54a
    SORTDEMO BAS 21229 10-03-90 2:54a
    9 File(s) 0 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Microsoft Game Shop (CGA Composite Mode) (Screenshot) (15130)

  • edited October 2021
    *Microsoft Game Shop (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15131)

  • edited October 2021
    *Microsoft Game Shop (SIMCGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15132)

  • edited October 2021
    *Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy (15137)

    (1986 / Simon & Schuster Interactive)
    (Media : 5.25" 180KB - 1EA)
    (CPU : 8088 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : Text Mode)
    (Protection Type : None)
    (Information :

    *This game needs blank disk to save game.

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A has no label
    Directory of A:\

    ST COM 58927 10-31-86 8:55a
    1 File(s) 120320 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy (Screenshot) (15138)

  • edited October 2021
    *Dragon Lord (Hercules Mode) (Screenshot) (15143)

  • edited October 2021
    *Dragon Lord (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15144)

  • *Dragon Lord (VGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15145)

  • edited October 2021
    *Sport of Kings (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15146)

  • *The Black Cauldron (v2.10) (CGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15147)

  • *The Black Cauldron (v2.10) (Hercules Mode) (Screenshot) (15148)

  • edited October 2021
    *Rasterscan (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15149)

  • *Frightmare (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15150)

  • edited October 2021
    *Space Rogue (MCGA/VGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15159)

  • *Space Rogue (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15160)

  • *...A Personal Nightmare (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15161)

  • *221 B Baker St. (EGA Mode) (Screenshot) (15162)

  • edited October 2021
    *Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor v1.0 (15169)

    (1993 / Strategic Simulations, Inc.)
    (Media : 5.25" 1.2MB - 4EA)
    (CPU : 80386 or higher)
    (OS Type : DOS)
    (Graphics : VGA)
    (Protection Type : Manual)
    (Information :

    *Disk 1
     Volume in drive A is ASSD1V1_0  
    Volume Serial Number is 0719-1ADB
    Directory of A:\

    DATA1 ARJ 1,113,191 04-14-93 7:15p
    INSTALL EXE 26,478 04-13-93 3:11p
    INSTALL NFO 591 04-13-93 7:19p
    DEARJ EXE 60,416 03-22-93 3:11p
    4 file(s) 1,200,676 bytes
    12,288 bytes free

    *Disk 2
     Volume in drive A is ASSD2V1_0  
    Volume Serial Number is 2544-19D4
    Directory of A:\

    DATA2 ARJ 1,113,379 04-14-93 7:15p
    1 file(s) 1,113,379 bytes
    100,352 bytes free

    *Disk 3
     Volume in drive A is ASSD3V1_0  
    Volume Serial Number is 3548-1ADD
    Directory of A:\

    DATA3 ARJ 1,113,240 04-14-93 7:16p
    1 file(s) 1,113,240 bytes
    100,352 bytes free

    *Disk 4
     Volume in drive A is ASSD4V1_0  
    Volume Serial Number is 0B37-1ADF
    Directory of A:\

    DATA4 ARJ 886,647 04-14-93 7:17p
    DATA5 ARJ 142,050 04-14-93 7:17p
    DATA6 ARJ 174,753 04-14-93 7:17p
    3 file(s) 1,203,450 bytes
    9,728 bytes free
  • edited October 2021
    *Eye of the Beholder III: Assault on Myth Drannor v1.0 (Screenshot) (15170)

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